What Should You Do When You Notice Your Roof Leaking?

If you notice that your roof is leaking, then you should not take it lightly. Even a minor leak can turn into a bigger problem if you continue to ignore it. Usually, it is during the rainy season there is a maximum chance of your roof getting leaked.
As such, you must get your roof regularly checked by any commercial roofing contractors MN like A to Z Construction, so that if you notice any small issue getting cropped up on your roof then it should be addressed immediately, and roof leaking should always get a top priority.
However, you need not panic by noticing any roof leak, but you must take the following few steps.
- Assess the risk
Whenever you notice leaking on your roof then you must quickly identify whether any damage has taken place on your roof or whether there are any safety hazards that must have caused such leaking.
Try to move your entire inventory and equipment for avoiding any water damage. Try to put up signage so that no slipping accident may take place.
- Mark the leakage area
You must try to mark those areas where leaking has been noticed. This will be helpful for you when you call any contractor then you can easily show him that part for inspection.
Marking will be possible when leaking is taking place, as it may stop also after some time.
- Look for any other problem areas
When leaking has been noticed then there is every possibility that there may be a few other locations too where such leaking must have taken place. So, try to inspect all the areas very carefully, and if you notice any more leakage then mark those areas too.
- Call the roofing provider
After you have confirmed all the spots from where leakages are taking place, now it is time to get those areas properly inspected by your roof provider, so that they can establish the proper source of such leakage.
Any minor problems can be easily taken care of however, if the problem is big then you have to discuss with him what action will be appropriate to take.
- Check whether there is water pooling on your roof
Most often the roof leakage can take place if water is getting pooled on your roof due to clogging of the drain too. Water pooling can also weaken your roof and cause mold and mildew formation and hence you must try to address this problem quickly.
- Troubleshoot water source
After getting your roof suitably inspected along with your contractor, now is the time for action. It is now time to get rid of the source of your water leakage on your roof as suggested by your roofing contractor.
If the contractor proposes any major work then you must not delay the matter otherwise problem may get further aggravated.
You must make a regular schedule of inspection of your roof preferably 2 times a year. This can prevent any surprise leaking of your roof.