Garden and Patio Kelkays Water Feature Collection

Who doesn’t like to give a charm effect and glimmer to their house garden? Well everyone loves to and this is not only for house gardens but also for offices or other working places. For making your outdoor space look more attractive delays have come up with modernized and yet simple water features. One of the most famous of all is Kelkays RHS wisley water feature. Let’s take a look at its water features.

Kelkays RHS Wisley Water Features 

Having kelkays water feature placed centrally in your garden space is going to give your outdoor space a glamorous look. The kelkays water feature is more of a traditional design, simple but elegant. There’s no need for wiring for adding water into it. 

All you are required to do is to add water to it before switching it on. The kelkays water feature is made up of resin and composite which adds to the durability and firmness of the water feature. 

You can operate it on both main powers or on solar panels, whatever suits you best. The kelkays water feature is neat and comes with no cables or hassle to complicate the area. Also with no cables means no LED lights.

Pump Kit Requirements 

There are two basic kits that you can avail of at your choice. One is the main power kit and the other is the solar panel power kit.

With the main power kit, you are given a transformer. The 12v transformer’s main function is to reduce the amount of power consumption on the kelkays water feature. The solar power kit is an in-house power kit or system. The solar kit is made up of lithium ions that does all the magic. 

The kelkays water feature can occupy whatever space you wish for it and you must better place the kit in sunlight at around 5m to the water feature. Now you can switch ON or OFF according to yourself.

Cover Features 

This is indeed a great accessory that comes up with kelkays wisley water feature. The cover’s main point is to protect the feature during winters or when it is not in use. This way no scratching, chipping or bird muddle can fall into it and the feature remains clean and intact. 

The material is conical in shape and it is made up of PVC material to add further strength to the material.

Care Kit Information 

Though the care kit is optional you can still opt for it to use the feature for as long as you can since it offers protective measures. The deluxe kit care is eco-friendly and can be used by everyone. 

It provides Frost free which prevents the feature from ice or snowy conditions. You can also get sparkle solution and of course sterilizing tablets that prevent the water from dirt and looks and remain fresh and neat. The care kit also hands in a medium-size cloth for removing dirt from the feature.

Apart from providing great water features during the summer season, we are also giving in an inordinate collection of fire pits that will warm up the outdoor space during the winter season. So if you are looking to know more about fire pits you can always search over

If you are not looking forward to opting for a care kit make sure you purchase the water sterilizing tablets as they keep the water neat and clean and give a refreshing look.